Climate Clock and Global Warming.
Since the experimentation of "Geo-Engineering", there has been lobbyist that counter attacks with cries of "Global Warming". The population of Earth is divide whether global warming is real or not but the data and facts shows that it is real, but not in the sense that the politicians and certain scientists are paid to say.
Earth, like any other planet, goes through cycles and changes. Earth has had multiple trends of ice ages, where the planet freezes and then the planet heats up and melts. This has been happening for billions of years and as of today the Earth is in the final stages of thawing out from the latest ice age.
Why is this important? Because this is natural. Like many things, something gets cooled for a long period of time and then it gets thawed out creating lots of water and emissions. This is a natural planetary balance which happens to most planets. Unfortiantly, Earth is the only known planet that has a perfect balance that sustains life that includes water and oxygen, therefore we mostly see whats in front of us, instead of what is million miles away. The politicians and paid scientists, including lobbyists and the elites, want the mass public to know WE are the cause of this natural change. WE cause the polution that is heating up the planet, WE must act now! But the reality and fact shows it is THEM causing the un-natural speed. Heavy manufacturing, factories, oil, geo-engineering, are all part of their industry. If their industry gets boycotted or shut down, they wont be able to get their precious billion dollars, in return they lose the power they have over the people. There are facts and resources that indicates that even if we change and "go green", they will create a psyop through media and dissent to keep you clinging to their pollutants and killing of the planet.
Before 2019, the conspiracy of controlling the weather has been downplayed and ridiculed. But we know now, the weather can at least manipulated through Geo-engineering.
What are the reasons for this? Weaponzing climate is number one, but also controlling the region's weather can cause a psyop to persuade people to move away, or move into the area with bad or good weather. This also helps crops grow faster and shorter with the right idea weather. And of course since most of Geo-engineering is operated by government and private corporations, there is alot less we dont know about the long term data. Once of the long term affects is that they can cause climate change. The weather can become severe if it is altered enough more frequently to where it is un-natural. But yet, they blame climate change on the 8 billion people that are fed on their lies.
Ask yourself this, If geo-engineering is real, then how is chemtrails still a conspiracy?
It is still considered a conspiracy because the government would have the full public backlash against the program. And it is with good reason! Chem trails are chemicals trails that include various chemicals such as silver oxide, aluminum and other metals. Conspiracy theories suggest that it can be used for weather modification, but this also contributes to cancers, tumors and other health related issues that goes along with the metals in the chem trails. Silver oxide itself can make a region have little, or less rain for various reasons. Aluminum is contributed to memory lost. Either way, long term spraying of chemicals in the atmosphere which also is sprayed on not only humans, but also animals, vegatation, trees, water and grass. " i dont think the government would spray chemicals on us" is the most common argument. If this is true, then why did they do it before?
But they still blame you for causing the Earth to get hot.
 The Truth
Now a major contributor of Earths weather and cycles are the sun. Our own SOL has its own cycles which helps with the weather. Besides giving us sunlight and darkness, it helps plants with photosynthesis and certain vitamins. The heat helps Earth with is balanced ecosystem.
With the sun, many experts agreed that with solar cycles, the changes has a direct influence on Earth, as the moon does with the tides. And with a solar storm/CME ( coronal mass ejection ), can disrupt not only electronics but also vibrational patterns, atmosphere and even the weather itself. There is alot of research kept secret by paid scientists and government agencies on the sun data including predictions on solar storms. This goes to show you the government is interested in this and not just for military preparedness.
Besides the SOL, the biggest threat of climate change and weather is our own planets cycle, which includes polar shifting and the magentic field.
 It is known by many experts that Earth is due for another polar shift. The north and souths poles will be in a different location. Antartica will thaw out and be a new continent. But much destruction will occur including the severe changes of weather. Massive tornado and hurricane outbreaks, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes. Even the slightest movement of the shift can cause the Earths jet system to wreak havoc. This is kept from the mass public to make sure there is no panic. Disorder and uncontrolled dissent is what the global elites fear because it loses their power of the slaves.
 In order for us to actually ( for real ) save our planet and to reduce pollution, is to avoid materials that are produced from factories that causes mass air pollutants. Avoid transportation as much as possible and rely on public transport ( some areas there is no public transportation, these areas should be addressed first ). The simplest and easist solution is to prosecute the elites. Put them in jail and take down their industry. A billionaire will do everything in his/her power to make sure their industry keeps on making money. They will create lobbyists and pay the media to be on their side. This is one of the reasons why climate change is a hoax, because they know they have created a dependancy for us to be addicted to and even though they keep blaming us for it, they are the runs that created this addiction in the first place.
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